Thursday, August 26, 2021

TikTok and Politics

TikTok is a video sharing app released in 2016 that has grown in popularity over the past few years. People can post anything they want, within reason, for the world to see. Over time and especially since the most recent presidential election, people have started to use the app as a way to share information about politics or criticize the political parties. Well known news organizations have even started sharing information through this platform and certain political influencers are paid to post. 

Why TikTok's Growing Political Content Is Raising Concerns | WSJ - YouTube

Photo from Google Images

This media platform has had a huge impact on influencing younger generations. This is normally a good thing, except it's easy to be told information that is not correct or to get confused on what views to support. Overall, it's usually pretty clear when determining what's true or false, but it's always important to fact check with credible sources because the app's main intention is to entertain. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emily, this blog is especially interesting because you brought up how people use tik tok as a way of expressing their political views. The average person would not think that this app would be used in order to do such a thing. In terms of substance, I enjoy how you said that the younger generation is being fed incorrect information because that is a truth a lot of people glance over and never realize.


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