Monday, November 29, 2021

Modern Media in a Political World

After checking out the discussion topics in class this week, I was so interested in one of the them that I wanted to go into greater detail in this blog post!

When people hear about media, they often think of social media platforms, websites, and news stories. People don't realize that so many things are considered part of the media, one of the biggest being music in modern media. Music is all around us and it has a large influence on us, even when we don't realize it. Artists create lyrics with the intention that we will listen, read, and hopefully connect with them. There are messages in music and artists choose these messages based off of what they want the world to hear. 

Many songs are created with the purpose of sharing a political message and hope to reach as many people as possible. There are people that listen to music just because they like how it sounds, they don't read or care to know about the lyrics. Lyrics still have an impact even if they aren't analyzed by some listeners. Choosing what artists and music you listen to will play a part in your political opinions and views. Next time you listen to some of your favorite songs, read the lyrics and see if you can spot any political ideas behind it! 

Is It Time Dance Music Became Political?

Photo from Google Images


  1. I wanted to say how I really enjoyed both the theme and topics of your blog! Also, I completely agree of the impacts music can have and think the comparison here to social media is very interesting! Political messages in music have been around for a very long time and even very old songs continue to have cultural/political relevance today!

  2. What an awesome topic to wrap up the semester on! When I was thinking of examples of political songs, the first examples that came to mind were songs from the Civil Rights era and pop songs that were anti-Vietnam. That said, in recent years artists like Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino have also made political statements through their music. Protest songs are definitely a form of media with the ability to endure for generations, so they are very effective!


Modern Media in a Political World

After checking out the discussion topics in class this week, I was so interested in one of the them that I wanted to go into greater detail ...