Thursday, October 21, 2021


The popular app, TikTok, has had some issues in the past with people sharing what they claimed to be "factual" information when in reality it was more opinion-based. To combat this problem, the creators of the app launched a new initiative to promote digital literacy. #FactCheckYourFeed "equips TikTok users with the skills they need to "critically engage with content, navigate our platform safely and guard themselves against potential harms."" Many creators shared various ways on how to find and avoid misleading information online.

Connecting this to politics, this is a great initiative because it helps filter out false information about political news or potential candidates for upcoming elections. Although misleading information will still pop up in the media, people are now able to educate themselves and determine what sources are reliable. This TikTok video is a great example of trustworthy information because it comes from a verified and reliable source and the information stated in this clip can be checked online. Not all verified accounts provide correct information, but this new initiative makes it easier to find safe and informative content.

Fact Check: Guidelines for USA TODAY's fact check program

Photo from Google Images

TikTok Launches New #FactCheckYourFeed Initiative to Promote Digital Literacy

1 comment:

  1. Please ignore the date 10/21/2021. This was actually published on 11/01/2021, thanks everyone!


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