Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Social Media and the First Amendment

As the use of social media continues to grow, there are more and more rules about what people are and are not allowed to say. The First Amendment is the right to speak freely as long as messages aren't harmful or threatening in any way. Many believe that everything they upload to the internet can be viewed and shared. While this is usually the case, what some people don't realize is that we are actually censored way more on social media than they might think. 

United States has a lot of freedom when it comes to posting online compared to other countries around the world. There is censorship that goes on without anyone even knowing. Content moderators are people hired by certain organizations and their job is to go through everything that has been published online and determine whether it can stay on the internet or not. This is a terrible job to have because these employees see traumatizing content constantly. Their job proves that there are millions of things posted online that people will never see. 

The Limits of Free Speech in Social Media is a great article that has more detailed information about restrictions in terms of posting anything online!

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