Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Are Political Posts Becoming Too Much For Social Media Users?

Over the past few years and especially during election years, people have started using social media more as an outlet for sharing their thoughts and opinions relating to political issues. Although this can be a great way to share information and learn about current events, it's not always the most reliable and it can become draining. People can sometimes be aggressive and rude when posting which can put people in a negative mood. 

According to an article from Pew Research Center by Monica Anderson and Brooke Auxier titled "55% of U.S. social media users say they are "worn out" by political posts and discussions," "social media users are already exhausted by how much political content they see on these platforms." Statistics showed that members of the Republican party felt more exhausted than members of the Democratic party from the political posts. The article states that Democrats are twice as likely to say that they enjoy seeing this kind of content. 

Seeing these posts can be stressful and frustrating, but there are always positives and negatives to viewing and posting political content online. How do you feel about political content being so prominent in social media? Does it bother you and put you in a negative mood or do you enjoy seeing and interacting with the posts?

Photo from Google Images



  1. Constantly being bombarded by political content, especially during election seasons can be exhausting but especially in the career fields we are most likely going to pursue, it is a necessary evil. I prefer to seek out my own news which means that I am receiving it from all angles and all sides which can get overwhelming but I'd rather do my own political research than have some pundit on primetime news tell me.

  2. I definitely agree that constantly having to see political content on social media can be exhausting. There are days where the political content can be so exhausting, between the current event/situation being covered or the constant arguing between users. Sometimes I do get drained and have to get out of the app and take a break. I think because in today's time, political content tends to always be on the negative side. It's almost very unlikely that I will see something related to politics on social media and it will be about something positive or neutral. I've started taking charge of the content that I like to see on social media so there is a balance. I like that apps like Twitter have sections for news so I don't really have to have news pages on my timeline but if I want to check up on the news, I know where to go.


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