Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Gen Z Uses Social Media as Their Main Source for Political News

It's not a surprise that Generation Z is somewhat obsessed with social media and finding information on the internet. It shouldn't be shocking to learn that this generation likes to use social media as their main source for political news. It's rare that people from this age group wake up in the morning and turn on the television to their favorite news channel. Nowadays, people like to go on their phone and check their favorite social media sites. 

How Social Media Is Impacting The Political Divide

A common problem with checking social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. is that the information isn't always factual and it doesn't always come from reliable outside sources. These posts are more biased and opinionated, which leads people to believe things that have been twisted to favor certain political views. A great way to find more reliable information is to research and fact check things that are posted on social media. Gen Z will most likely continue using these platforms to learn about recent political news, but as long as there are additional steps taken to ensure the information is correct, it's okay to learn this way.

America's teenagers skew a lot more conservative than most people realize,  and they get most of their news from Instagram

Photo from Google Images

Monday, September 20, 2021

How Social Media Impacted the Gabby Petito Case

22-year-old Gabby Petito and her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, left for a long road trip on July 2nd 2021. Petito's family reported her missing on September 11th after not hearing from her since August. A body was found near Grand Teton National Park and while it has not been officially identified, it fits the description of Gabby Petito. The cause of death has also not been confirmed, but her family is anxiously waiting to hear an update. 

Social media has played an extremely important role is this case because it has helped people searching for the missing woman. A Florida family that was traveling the country, and filming while they did it, noticed a white van on their journey that looked like Petito's van from her trip. The sighting of the van was recorded on a GoPro and later discovered by the family while editing clips for their YouTube video. After noticing the van and realizing the timeline fit perfectly, the video footage was submitted to a page dedicated to tips on the case and the Petito family was contacted. This shows how social media can have such a great impact in certain situations because the footage of the van was very beneficial to the Gabby Petito case.

Link to the YouTube video:

Family believes they spotted Gabby Petito's white van on trip in Grand Teton National Park

Timeline of Gabby Petito's Disappearance - The New York Times

Photo from Google Images

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Are Political Posts Becoming Too Much For Social Media Users?

Over the past few years and especially during election years, people have started using social media more as an outlet for sharing their thoughts and opinions relating to political issues. Although this can be a great way to share information and learn about current events, it's not always the most reliable and it can become draining. People can sometimes be aggressive and rude when posting which can put people in a negative mood. 

According to an article from Pew Research Center by Monica Anderson and Brooke Auxier titled "55% of U.S. social media users say they are "worn out" by political posts and discussions," "social media users are already exhausted by how much political content they see on these platforms." Statistics showed that members of the Republican party felt more exhausted than members of the Democratic party from the political posts. The article states that Democrats are twice as likely to say that they enjoy seeing this kind of content. 

Seeing these posts can be stressful and frustrating, but there are always positives and negatives to viewing and posting political content online. How do you feel about political content being so prominent in social media? Does it bother you and put you in a negative mood or do you enjoy seeing and interacting with the posts?

Photo from Google Images


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Texas Abortion Ban

On September 1st, 2021 the Texas Heartbeat Act officially commenced. This law bans abortion as early as the first 6 weeks of pregnancy and establishes a system where members of the public can sue abortion providers for a minimum of $10,000 in statutory damages. It was enacted in May of 2019, but is now in effect since the beginning of this month. For people that are pro-life, this was a huge victory for the state of Texas. On the other hand, activists and people that are pro-choice are struggling with this new law and are doing anything they can to change it.

In a previous post, I mentioned the popular video sharing app, TikTok. Content creators on this app started posting a lot of negative thoughts about the new Heartbeat Act. Activists wanted their voices to be heard and were willing to take matters into their own hands. A creator on the app that went by the name, Sean Black, developed a script that would automatically generate fake reports to prolifewhistleblower.com. This website is used to submit tips about potential offenders of this new law in Texas. Over 8,000 people clicked on the script to submit fake reports as a way of protesting the new law. Texas Right to Life, the creators of the tip site, were told to move to another provider or face being shut down.

The Texas Heartbeat Act is still in effect and there are no current plans to remove this law. TikTok and other social media apps can majorly influence their users. Content on the apps can spread to people throughout the world and cause various reactions. What Sean Black did is just one of many examples of the power social media can have over political issues.


Modern Media in a Political World

After checking out the discussion topics in class this week, I was so interested in one of the them that I wanted to go into greater detail ...