Monday, November 29, 2021

Modern Media in a Political World

After checking out the discussion topics in class this week, I was so interested in one of the them that I wanted to go into greater detail in this blog post!

When people hear about media, they often think of social media platforms, websites, and news stories. People don't realize that so many things are considered part of the media, one of the biggest being music in modern media. Music is all around us and it has a large influence on us, even when we don't realize it. Artists create lyrics with the intention that we will listen, read, and hopefully connect with them. There are messages in music and artists choose these messages based off of what they want the world to hear. 

Many songs are created with the purpose of sharing a political message and hope to reach as many people as possible. There are people that listen to music just because they like how it sounds, they don't read or care to know about the lyrics. Lyrics still have an impact even if they aren't analyzed by some listeners. Choosing what artists and music you listen to will play a part in your political opinions and views. Next time you listen to some of your favorite songs, read the lyrics and see if you can spot any political ideas behind it! 

Is It Time Dance Music Became Political?

Photo from Google Images

Monday, November 15, 2021

Will Social Media Choose the Next President?

This week we're taking a look at a short article written in 2012. I chose something from almost 10 years ago because I would like to evaluate how social media has evolved over the past decade. Will Social Media Choose the Next President? written by Cliff Figallo explains how over the past few years, Facebook and Twitter had a huge increase in the number of political postings. During the time, 9 out of 10 Senators and Representatives had twitter accounts. People were questioning if social media was actually started to predict the outcome of political races as opposed to just reporting everything that goes on. "In Senate races, the candidate with more Facebook friends than his or her opponent has won 81% of the time."

In 2021, social media has completely taken over politics and elections. There are many similarities to social media influence in 2012 and 2021. It is more extreme now because there are new media platforms and more people have access to these platforms. Sharing political opinions, facts, etc. has become a common thing for everyone on the internet. It's safe to say that this article showed the beginning of the impact social media would have on politics and elections. 

Presidential Election Infographics : Predict the Presidential Election
Photo from Google Images

Monday, November 8, 2021

Media Influence During Elections

Can the media really influence the outcome of an election? Many believe that biased media coverage contributes to "rigged" elections and that the media has a huge influence during the time elections start. The amount of coverage each candidate gets can have the biggest impact on how many votes they receive. If candidates don't win enough interest from the media, they won't do as well when it's time to vote because they won't have any name recognition. An example of someone who is extremely well known and received a lot of media coverage during the past two elections is President Donald Trump. The media publishes stories that will get the most attention and drive the most traffic. Stories like this usually involved Trump and this boosted his popularity a lot. The media can and usually does influence the outcome of an election. When candidates put themselves out there and utilize media platforms, their chances of being recognized are much higher when elections come around. 

Learn the Impact of Social Media Data on Political Elections

Photo from Google Images

Monday, October 25, 2021

Facebook Shares False Information about COVID-19 Vaccine

Once again, Facebook has shared false news about information shared by the United States government. This time the app has had a crucial part in amplifying COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. President Joe Biden responded by saying that Facebook and other apps are "killing people" when it comes to spreading false information about the coronavirus. Biden says it causes much more harm when apps allow conspiracy theories to spread. A spokesperson from Facebook shared a statement to respond to the president and said that they will not be distracted by accusations which aren't supported by facts.

After the brief announcement, Facebook uploaded a post titled Moving Past the Finger Pointing. With social media being such an important part of many people's lives, users are constantly posting and information is not always going to be 100% accurate. Most people understand that posts will not always have all of the facts, but they are aware that they can fact check to find the most accurate information. Blaming apps, companies, and people is not going to do anything, the best thing to do is to fact check and look for information that comes from the most reliable sources.

COVID-19: Facebook defends itself against Joe Biden's claim that the  platform is 'killing people' through vaccine misinformation | Newshub

Photo from Google Images

Thursday, October 21, 2021


The popular app, TikTok, has had some issues in the past with people sharing what they claimed to be "factual" information when in reality it was more opinion-based. To combat this problem, the creators of the app launched a new initiative to promote digital literacy. #FactCheckYourFeed "equips TikTok users with the skills they need to "critically engage with content, navigate our platform safely and guard themselves against potential harms."" Many creators shared various ways on how to find and avoid misleading information online.

Connecting this to politics, this is a great initiative because it helps filter out false information about political news or potential candidates for upcoming elections. Although misleading information will still pop up in the media, people are now able to educate themselves and determine what sources are reliable. This TikTok video is a great example of trustworthy information because it comes from a verified and reliable source and the information stated in this clip can be checked online. Not all verified accounts provide correct information, but this new initiative makes it easier to find safe and informative content.

Fact Check: Guidelines for USA TODAY's fact check program

Photo from Google Images

TikTok Launches New #FactCheckYourFeed Initiative to Promote Digital Literacy

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Assessing Political Stances through Social Media

Social Media has encouraged people to become more definitive when talking about anything political. Most content is shared to get an emotional response from the viewers because it keeps people engaged and eager to stay informed. Over the past few years, people have become much more open about sharing their political thoughts online for the world to see. Due to this change, hiring managers have used this information to strategically asses candidates and evaluate decisions and reactions from online users. Here's a detailed article about The Impact of Political Posts on Hiring.

According to Social Media Today, hiring managers check a job applicant's social media profile 61.9% of the time. 17.9% of hiring managers are checking these social media profiles to check for extreme political opinions. It's important to watch what is shared online because it can end up having a huge impact on people in the future, and that is not always a good thing. 

Hide Political Posts From Your News Feed With Social Fixer

Photo from Google Images

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Social Media and the First Amendment

As the use of social media continues to grow, there are more and more rules about what people are and are not allowed to say. The First Amendment is the right to speak freely as long as messages aren't harmful or threatening in any way. Many believe that everything they upload to the internet can be viewed and shared. While this is usually the case, what some people don't realize is that we are actually censored way more on social media than they might think. 

United States has a lot of freedom when it comes to posting online compared to other countries around the world. There is censorship that goes on without anyone even knowing. Content moderators are people hired by certain organizations and their job is to go through everything that has been published online and determine whether it can stay on the internet or not. This is a terrible job to have because these employees see traumatizing content constantly. Their job proves that there are millions of things posted online that people will never see. 

The Limits of Free Speech in Social Media is a great article that has more detailed information about restrictions in terms of posting anything online!

Modern Media in a Political World

After checking out the discussion topics in class this week, I was so interested in one of the them that I wanted to go into greater detail ...